Recent content by Heatman

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  1. Heatman

    Do you eat fruits every day?

    Eating of fruits is very good for someone's health. This is because those fruits makes it possible for your body to get all the nutrients it needs which can't be gotten from the food one eats. Are you of the habit of eating fruits more often? Do you eat fruits every day?
  2. Heatman

    Have you set up your Christmas tree for 2024?

    Christmas is already around the corner. Have you completed all the necessary arrangements you need to make this year's Christmas a memorable experience for you and your family? Do you have a Christmas tree this year or it's not something you're into? Have you set up your Christmas tree for 2024?
  3. Heatman

    How much do you pay for internet subscription monthly?

    It's very clear that we can't do without being connected to the internet today. Internet connection subscription have become a basic life necessity for everyone. Do you think you're paying too much or less for your internet connection? How much do you pay for internet subscription monthly?
  4. Heatman

    Have you ever been involved in car accident?

    I haven't been involved in a serious car accidents but have had some close cases. I've been driving twice and my car's brakes failed. I found out and was able to control the car to a stop as the brakes didn't fail 100%. Mother luck was on my side the day that happened and I was lucky not to be...
  5. Heatman

    Would you rather stay in or go out on a Friday night?

    I love my home more than anything especially when I've worked myself to a burnt out level throughout the weekdays. I wouldn't want to go anywhere on Friday night. I might be open to doing that on Saturday or Sunday night.
  6. Heatman

    Biggest lesson you learnt from your parents?

    I learnt from my mother to never be in a rush to reply anyone especially in a heated conversation. You're going to be at your worst when you're angry and upset. This would make you end up saying things that you'd end up apologising for.
  7. Heatman

    Have you ever been evacuated?

    I haven't had the experience of being evacuated from either my workplace or home. I wouldn't mind if it's as a result of security or health concerns that it happens.
  8. Heatman

    What toy would you want, if you were a kid today?

    All the dragon in House of The Dragon TV show made into toys would be a wonderful collection that I'm going to be so much interested in having.
  9. Heatman

    Do you think working for a toy manufacturer would be enjoyable?

    Well, I think it's going to be something fun to do because we all played with toys growing up. There will so much new toys for us to play around with working.
  10. Heatman

    Happy Birthday Jayson

    Happy Birthday @Jayson. Wishing you long life and prosperity. Try and enjoy your day. Do so responsibly.
  11. Heatman

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Unfortunately, I'm not feeling so well. I haven't been strong for a few weeks now. I have flu and malaria as well as cough. I'm already on drugs. I hope to recover soon.