Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Tagline: She knows a sucker when she sees one.
Genre: Action,Comedy,Horror
Director: Fran Rubel Kuzui
Cast: Kristy Swanson,Donald Sutherland,Paul Reubens,Rutger Hauer,Luke Perry,Hilary Swank,Michele Abrams,David Arquette,Natasha Gregson Wagner,Thomas...
I felt like I had to get vaccinated because the government rolled out mandatory vaccine passes and it was either getting the vaccines or staying at home and not being able to go anywhere.
Despite my needle phobia but eh.
Title: Pee-wee's Big Adventure
Tagline: The story of a rebel and his bike.
Genre: Comedy,Adventure
Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Paul Reubens,Elizabeth Daily,Mark Holton,Diane Salinger,Judd Omen,Irving Hellman,Monte Landis,Damon Martin,David Glasser,Gregory Brown,Daryl Keith Roach,Bill...
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