Title: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Comedy, Drama, Action & Adventure
Creator: Joss Whedon
Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan, Emma Caulfield Ford, Michelle Trachtenberg, James Marsters, Anthony Stewart Head
First aired: 1997-03-10...
Title: The UnBelievable with Dan Aykroyd
Genre: Documentary
Cast: Dan Aykroyd
First aired: 2023-12-01
Overview: Each episode opens up a cabinet of curiosities to reveal the strangest-but-true stories in human history, brought to life through dynamic recreation, compelling graphics...
Title: The UnXplained
Genre: Documentary
Cast: William Shatner, Tok Thompson
First aired: 2019-07-19
Overview: Explore the world’s most fascinating, strange and inexplicable mysteries. Each episode features compelling contributions from scientists, historians, witnesses and...
Title: Little Britain
Genre: Comedy
Creator: Matt Lucas, David Walliams
Cast: David Walliams, Matt Lucas, Tom Baker, Paul Putner, Anthony Stewart Head, Ruth Jones, Joann Condon, Charu Bala Chokshi, Kevin Lucero Less
First aired: 2003-09-16
Overview: A zany comedy show with Matt...
Title: Blackadder
Genre: Comedy
Creator: Richard Curtis, Rowan Atkinson, Ben Elton
Cast: Rowan Atkinson, Tony Robinson, Hugh Laurie, Tim McInnerny, Stephen Fry
First aired: 1983-06-15
Overview: Cunning plans and cutting comedy as the Blackadder dynasty plot their way through...
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