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  1. Naiwen

    Sticky What are you watching right now?

    "Take Back The Child", great thriller. "Adopted Daughter", today.
  2. Naiwen

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Good afternoon all.
  3. Naiwen

    Fashion Beauty Health

    236 posts today. Come and join, one and all!
  4. Naiwen

    The History Cafe

    182 posts today. Come and check us out guys!
  5. Naiwen

    My Golden Years

    501 posts today. Come and check us out guys!
  6. Naiwen

    Food and Etc!

    545 posts today. Come and join, one and all!
  7. Naiwen

    Your favourite Perfume?

    Do you wear any personally as a lady or a gentleman? Some are known to wear body sprays as well as eau de cologne and eau de toilette. I don't personally because of being allergic to certain scents or smells of perfumes. And you personally? Do you wear any perfumes personally though as a lady or...
  8. Naiwen

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Good afternoon all.
  9. Naiwen

    Fashion Beauty Health

    234 posts today. Come and check us out all!
  10. Naiwen

    The History Cafe

    179 posts today. Come and join, one and all!
  11. Naiwen

    My Golden Years

    495 posts today. Come and join, one and all!
  12. Naiwen

    Food and Etc!

    542 posts today. Come and check us out all!
  13. Naiwen

    Anyone loves Soccer?

    I love watching it personally, but suck at playing it. But it's a fun sport to play and watch in my opinion at least anyways. And you personally? Have you ever watched/played it yet or not personally? And if yes, do you enjoy it or not for you personally?
  14. Naiwen

    Air-Fried or Microwaved?

    I'm personally a very lazy person, hence why I microwave food often, yes even popcorn, and I don't even have an air-fryer. How about you? Do you prefer air-fried or microwaved in your view?
  15. Naiwen

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Good afternoon all.
  16. Naiwen

    Fashion Beauty Health

    15 members today. Latest member : @Nomad. Come and join, one and all!
  17. Naiwen

    The History Cafe

    174 posts today. Come and check us out all!
  18. Naiwen

    My Golden Years

    490 posts today. Come and check us out all!
  19. Naiwen

    Food and Etc!

    531 posts today. Come and join, one and all!
  20. Naiwen

    Fruits Basket, anyone?

    I love this reverse-harem, slice of life, and shojo supernatural romance manga/anime a lot personally. I TBH ship mostly YukiXTorhu. I haven't been too keen on the anime myself because the overall execution it is pretty bad. I have enjoyed a lot more reading the manga personally. What about...