Very controversial opinion Ash. I would not be in support of say someone with depression being allowed access to this type of service. They should be institutionalized and medicated if they are that bad. I know it comes down to personal choice in many cases, but society also has an obligation to...
I suffer from sleep paralysis. This makes your brain wake up before your body. It gives you the sensation of being awake but completely paralyzed. Often you feel a sense of terror or evil surrounding you during episodes and nobody knows why.
I slept in a tent in the backyard last night with my 2 little grandsons lol. They wanted to camp outside so we pitched the tent. Wasn't too bad, beats the couch when the wife gets in a mood haha.
Assisted suicide is a very tough subject because the morality of it comes into question. But in my opinion, if someone's suffering is a very personal thing and we have no right to stop someone ending their life in a controlled way should they desire to do so after going through all the...
Hi Everyone, Mitch here from California. Well I'm Scottish but been living in Cali for about 10 years now. I found this site through another called Forum Promotion. Looking forward to having a look around here, looks like a great site you have.
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