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  1. Elseb

    A one bedroom apartment

    I would say where i live in the UK, it would be around £500 upwards, then of course you have bills on top.
  2. Elseb

    Uncharted Flim

    I saw a trailer and thought it looked pretty awful tbh, might get proven wrong but yeah, don't have high hopes for it.
  3. Elseb

    Last Game You Played?

    I last played Fitness Boxing on the Nintendo Switch, it killlllled me haha
  4. Elseb


    Would of made for great television that! :D
  5. Elseb


    Not so much stuttering but I've had friends who have had speech impediments, it can cause anxiety for the person but if you're supportive, it does make it a lot easier on them.
  6. Elseb

    Ever step down from staff?

    Not that i can recall! I've been an admin on my own forum since 2002 so I guess that's a pretty good time period!
  7. Elseb

    Sticky What are you watching right now?

    Currently watching South Park: Back to the Cold War, the newest episode! :)
  8. Elseb

    Easiest to use

    Not a clue what we're comparing so I'll just say a calculator..
  9. Elseb

    Last Game You Played?

    I've been playing Pokemon: Brilliant Diamond tonight, really enjoying it! It's a very good episode.
  10. Elseb

    Do you pirate software?

    I mean back in the day I had Limewire, Kazaa and WinMX, would have downloaded thousands of songs, i think most people did back then! I also had a copy of Photoshop CS3 back in the day but I wouldn't do it nowadays.
  11. Elseb

    Your latest PS Purchase?

    I bought a PS Vita earlier on if that counts haha! I've also bought a few PSP games recently, great handheld!
  12. Elseb

    Never fails to make you laugh

    I still chuckle at Waynes World whenever that comes on the TV, always thought it was an incredible movie.
  13. Elseb

    Sticky The last thing you bought

    Yeah i saw there was a second one, I watched a few videos on Youtube and figured the first one would probably be the best one to start with! :D
  14. Elseb

    What would you do?

    As the post above states, I would have just stopped in a well lit area and that would be it. Hoepfully everything would be fine haha
  15. Elseb

    Sticky The last thing you bought

    I bought Fitness Boxing for Nintendo Switch today, trying to keep myself fit without running!
  16. Elseb

    Last Game You Played?

    I'm currently playing through Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town for the Nintendo Switch. Really enjoying it! :D
  17. Elseb

    Sticky What are you watching right now?

    I'm watching South Park, series 2, episode 10: Chickenpox, really good episode! Love old school South Park. :D
  18. Elseb

    Do you make your own graphics? If so, what do you use?

    Depends what you're creating really, I find is really good and the majority of features are free, there is a premium version for extras. Would always advise giving the site a go before you buy an expensive version.
  19. Elseb

    Sticky Last website that you visited?

    I was on BBC checking the latest on the Ukraine situation. :(
  20. Elseb

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    I've just been watching the football all day, watching my team get beat like they do every week!