"Innocent until proven guilty" is not a perfect system, and there will always be some cases where guilty perpetrators being set free, but I can guarantee you that there would be loads more cases of innocent people getting imprisoned if we switched it around. Sure, you might have better odds of...
Then I understand your point better! I disagree that capital punishment is justifiable, and I'll return with some arguments one day I have a bit more time on my hands! I really love a good debate, so I'm looking forward to it!
I don't usually take the corporation's side in cases like this, and in no way do I have knowledge about the US constitution since I'm not American, but is not protection from violations of freedom of speech limited to public spheres? One could say that social media platforms in fact are public...
I started out writing this post with the intention of commenting on a lot of things, including three assumptions the pro-capital punishment arguments seem to build upon, but after writing for ten minutes I found out that I would probably end up writing a twenty-page paper about it. So, instead...
Not that high of a demand for permanent teaching jobs, but the demand for substitutes is high. If you do a year or two as a substitute here and there you're almost guaranteed a permanent position.
I'm finished with my MA in May next year. Hopefully, I'll get a job right away, but if not I just might take a one-year mandatory course in pedagogy in order to become a teacher.
I think allowance for chores can play an important role in child-rearing:
It teaches them that work pays off.
It teaches them that money doesn't grow on trees and that whatever you as a parent spend on them actually had to be earned someplace. If communicated correctly, that may lead to your...
Right now my attitude is that I'll go wherever I'm wanted. Usually philosophy students end up working within the public sector as advisors for different state departments, as teachers, as consultants for NGOs etc. I'd be fine with either of those.
My preferred sport is football (I also refuse to call it soccer). I don't play it like within an organized team, but love to get together with some friends and have a whack at a ball for a couple of hours.
I joined because I was on the search for a community to join that 1) had daily activity, 2) didn't have too much activity (I find it hard to get that community feeling if there are hundreds of active posters simultaneously), and 3) had general chatting as its topic. DiscussionHub ticked all the...
I'm on and off when it comes to nail-biting. I have no problem with it when I'm generally relaxed, but start biting and tearing once I'm in more stressful periods. Once that period ends, I stop biting without giving it a thought.
I second adding country flags! It's not that it's going to boost the members' activity, but rather to make that activity a tiny bit more rewarding. It's nice to get a general idea of where your conversational partners are coming from!
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