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  1. Nous

    Website Hosting

    Never hosted on a VPS before but I have tinkered alot on different VPS's mostly small boxes to get a hang of it. Maybe one day I will host all my websites on a dedicated server. Shared hosting works just fine for the time being until my sites grow ?
  2. Nous

    Sticky The last thing you bought

    Bread and Milk
  3. Nous

    Weight Loss

    Stress. I have lost a fair bit of weight because of stress.
  4. Nous

    How broke are you right now?

    I am on a budget, trying to save up as much as I can at the moment. Not going for any big purchases anytime soon.
  5. Nous

    Cannot go anywhere without

    Wallet and Phone for sure.
  6. Nous

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing good.
  7. Nous

    Tech Observed - Technology Observed!

    Content is always good, specially for SEO.
  8. Nous

    What was your favorite pastime as a child?

    Sucks man, anyway I drifted quite away from pokemon.
  9. Nous

    Your favorite snack as a kid?

    What was your favorite snack as a kid?
  10. Nous

    Twitch Hacked

    I did hear about this on Twitter the other day. What an interesting week indeed!
  11. Nous

    Your last purchase online

    Haha yeah that would have been a better option ?
  12. Nous

    Sticky Last website that you visited?

    Haha why not? I use it when I want to work on a document and switch my from my windows laptop to my mac.
  13. Nous

    Windows 11

    Yeah, there's that! I don't know why they would restrict so many processors.
  14. Nous

    What makes you go on General Forums?

    Plus for somoe reason coming up with topics seems much easier here than on my own forum. :cautious:
  15. Nous

    Your last purchase online

    Yeah, I didn't expect much when I paid $4. ?
  16. Nous

    How Do you Get Active Members for forum?

    True, plus the pace of conversations is way too fast to follow. It's like one of those WhatsApp groups that you get added to, and you wake up to 100 messages in the morning.
  17. Nous

    Ask Me Anything - Nous

    Well another year of wearing masks, lockdowns, lack of social life, got a lot of mixed feelings about 2021 to be honest. I hope 2022 won't be the same.
  18. Nous

    Windows 11

    I tried running an update on my alienware it has i7 7700HQ and Windows 11 is not compatible.. Like wtf. What is the workaround for it. I will do a bit of research to figure this out.
  19. Nous

    Your last purchase online

    Not really, it hasn't showed any returns yet. :cautious: Not sure if it will but ?‍♂️