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  1. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

  2. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

  3. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

  4. Speaks

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    My Nightmare Before Christmas tarot deck finally came! Woo HOO
  5. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

  6. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    Doing some work on meditation today
  7. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    Did some updates and changes
  8. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    More content added 1714497292 Changed some things around
  9. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    Added more content 1714318336 Bump
  10. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    Added a lot of new content
  11. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

  12. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    Did some updates
  13. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition

    I added a few more blog posts
  14. Speaks

    Site Promotion New Intuition My new blog what do you think of it?
  15. Speaks

    Site Promotion Just got a new tarot deck

    And I’m offering free past life readings. You can pm me. Remember that past lives are symbolic.
  16. Speaks

    Site Promotion Find a Blog

    I tried find a forum and got a few members but it’s crickets over there people from Reddit don’t have much interest in old school forums. Oh well live and learn no damage done 🙂
  17. Speaks

    Site Promotion Find a Blog

    18 members 😁
  18. Speaks

    Site Promotion Find a Blog

    There’s demand for it I’m helping people and doing something constructive 👍
  19. Speaks

    Site Promotion Find a Blog

    Reddit - Dive into anything I help people promote their blogs through friendly conversation that’s the only rule. I have 17 members so far and over 100 links
  20. Speaks

    Site Promotion Find a Forum

    7 members so far.