Best candle scent?

This is a tough one as I love candles! I have so many candles that they tend to last me ages and I also tend to get some as a gift at Christmas too.

If I were to choose my absolute favourites in terms of candle scents I would have to choose

Chocolate Orange
Fresh Linen

I also love ones such as Gingerbread or Candy Cane during Christmas :)
I have a candle called Sleigh Ride and it's such a pretty scent, but it's way too overpowering so I can't light it for long.

My husband doesn't want me burning candles anyway because his aunt's house burned down for a candle that fell over in the bathroom a couple decades ago. It was an awful fire because the way the house was built, the flames went right up to the attic and spread.

I do try to sneak in some burning but I have it on the kitchen counter where nothing is around it and it won't cause damage. Apple cinnamon is a scent I love during the Christmas season, but I currently don't have that candle scent.