Curve or Flat Screen TV?


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I have been using flat screen TV for a while now until last year when I was introduced Samsung curved TV. My God, it's an unbelievable TV. Samsung did an excellent job with their curved TV. I'm not sure if I would ever use flat TV again.
The very first time I saw a curved TV, I loved it so much. I wanted to buy it but it's very expensive but I'm still planning on buying it soon.
When the curved TV's first came out I really wanted one, then I did a little researched and found that on some sections of the TV they aren't as bright as the rest of the TV. Not sure if they fixed that issue yet but I only have Flat TV's right now.
Flat screen is all I've ever used, but people's comments here are making me curious to try a curved TV :p .
I have been using flat TV screen type and I don't have anything to complain about them. I have seen the curved screen once or twice. I don't see anything so special about it.
Some of the old time TVs had curved screens, but it was a different curve than the new curved TVs of today. I don't think I would want either one because I don't see the advantage of it.
I have looked at curved TVs (and monitors), and they’re nice, especially the ones from Samsung. I don’t think it’s worth the cost though, plus I’ve got plenty of flat screen TVs in my house that are working totally fine. No sense in replacing any of them.
We have 4 different smart tv's in every room. I bought most of them back in 2020 for myself and my kids and I got my wife one last year for our bedroom. 2 are Roku televisions and the 2 others for my kids just have the Netflix and Vudu on them. I had to get Roku streaming devices to make it easier for my kids to stream.
Flat screen looks better IMO, i might use Curve for gaming though. Also, i think it's really much more expensive than the flat ones.