Do you like to cook?

I cook regularly at night. My "speciality" is grilled chicken with mustard sauce. Sometimes i cook some rice and also spaghetti. My soups are terrible.. :(
Sometimes, I don't really like everyday cooking, the kind you do because you have to eat, but I like cooking at the wekend or when I have some spare time, then it can be fun.
Sometimes, I don't really like everyday cooking, the kind you do because you have to eat, but I like cooking at the wekend or when I have some spare time, then it can be fun.

Takeaway is good sometimes :p
But so is home cooked.

Oh I love dining out! I also enjoy cooking however, just like Ashlynn I do not like to feel rushed when I cook!
I like to cook. I just hate having to clean up all the dishes afterwards. That's the part that always bums me out. Making dinner is the fun part, the dishes........not so much.
My mom tells me that I need to clean as cook to save time after washing dishes. Perhaps I'll get to that point down the line but I'm definitely not at that level yet. I still rely heavily on following recipes as I cook. lol
I enjoy cooking because I do not see it as a chore, but as an art. Aside from needing it in order to survive, I find it fascinating to take raw ingredients, then turning them into delicious dishes to be consumed by self or by family and friends.
I enjoy cooking because I do not see it as a chore, but as an art. Aside from needing it in order to survive, I find it fascinating to take raw ingredients, then turning them into delicious dishes to be consumed by self or by family and friends.

I absolutely love entertaining for family and friends. Nothing like having a get together and seeing people enjoy each other's company and food. Cooking is like science and art all in one. Just like any other hobby though I like to enjoy the process and don't like to be rushed!
My mom tells me that I need to clean as cook to save time after washing dishes. Perhaps I'll get to that point down the line but I'm definitely not at that level yet. I still rely heavily on following recipes as I cook. lol
I usually do this. I try to clean as I cook so that there isn't quite as any dishes to clean after the meal is over. I feel it's easier on my 'cause I'm usually full after the meal and it's harder to find the will to get up and clean the dishes.
Ah yes, hence the pile of dishes waiting for us in the morning after a nice dinner. That's also a habit I'd like to establish to never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink! I don't practice fung shui but I think that's a good practice for good energy in a house.
My husband is the cook. I don't have the patience to be honest lol He has always loved to cook & create new recipes. I don't have that palate that's needed to cook well. You know, when you taste something & say, Oh it needs such & such spice. With that said, he can create some interesting recipes as well as tweak others to suit our individual tastes. He doesn't really have a specialty.
I love to cook! My specialty is either my awesome meatballs in tomato sauce or my homemade ravioli. I've mostly dwelled within Italian cuisine, but working my way through traditional French cooking at the moment.
Yes and no, I have slacked off in the last six years. I do like to cook and I have done good studies in college and wearing a chef uniform and whatnot even entered a cooking competition.

But lost it all now, cooking is good if you making something really interesting but after a while is boring doing some old things, aren't like you making a job out of it. Also get told to get out of the kitchen in my own home ;P