Do you take short breaks from gaming?

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Will you take a brief break from gaming when playing? Every 4 hours of gaming, you take 20 minutes of rest, for example. If you ever do, inform me the duration of your rest periods, please? How long have you been playing until you stop? Tell me and the community the longest you've been without any sort of interruption? Are you in belief that your wellbeing can have a detrimental effect if you choose not to have time away from the screen?
At my work they tell us to take a 5 minute break every hour. Just to get up and do something. Most people go and grab a coffee/chat in the kitchenettes for a bit. You know, typically office jazz.

But yes, I think a small break every hour or two is a good thing. Even if it is just to focus in on something other than the game - exercise that brain.
You sleep at nights for 5 to 8 hours, that's your break :p

Mostly I game 2 to 3 hours when streaming and that's it. I might play a game just to myself with BF2 and even then it's an hour or two and that's not every day. And so I do gaming but it's not all day every day.
I really don't game long enough to have a need to take a break, but if I did game for a while, I would stop and get up and walk around.

What if you started developing a headache or eye strain? Would you take further steps aswell, such as taking painkillers? Prevention is better than cure so it's best to have intervals in a gaming session to avoid pains and aches in the first place.
I've put gaming on hiatus because it was stressing me out and I was just not playing on it or having fun anymore. I gave my 8 year old son my PS4, which was new and I had it less then a month. So who knows when I'll get back into it.
It depends on how long I'll be playing. Sometimes I'll just get up to go to the bathroom real quick and I'm going right back to it. If I'm going to be playing for a couple of hours, I'll turn it off for a while and go do something else when my eyes need a rest.
What if you started developing a headache or eye strain? Would you take further steps aswell, such as taking painkillers? Prevention is better than cure so it's best to have intervals in a gaming session to avoid pains and aches in the first place.

I have gotten headaches, naturally I do pause the game and shut my eyes and sleep it off.

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