Going to therapy

I have not tried any therapies in my life. However, I did some therapeutic treatments with my patients while working in the hospital. You may wonder why. It is because I am a physical therapist who provides treatment regimens to people with disabilities or impairments.
I am actively in therapy, have been for several years, likely will be for many more. I have two therapists and a psychiatrist looking after my mental health, and I would advocate for anyone struggling to go to therapy. The only caveat is don't be surprised if you face rejection or don't get along with your first, second, third, fourth therapist. I have extenuating circumstances, so I'm in the extreme minority here, but it took me, quite literally, 30 attempts to find the right therapist my first time. Rejection isn't fun, but it's important you relate to and can work with your therapist, because you're going to be tackling some tough, deeply personal issues.

As for the types of treatments, it varies, different people need different approaches, different scenarios need different approaches, and so on. I've had distraction techniques taught to me to help when I'm having an anxiety attack, we've had two-hour long chat sessions, we've gone down a lot of roads, my therapists have broken me down many times, and it's for the best.
I am not sure which therapy is talked about here. I am into physio therapy and this after I met with a road accident years ago.
Physical therapy is wonderful for treating injuries, but we're talking mental health therapy in this particular case :)
My mind is perfect. I do pranayam though - which is a breathing exercise as per yoga.
I hope it stays perfect, I for one am far from perfect, and so I very much advocate for therapy for anyone who is struggling.