Longest period of gaming?


Finding their groove
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I would say that my longest time would have been around 8-9 hours a few years ago when I was playing League of Legends. I don't even play so much anymore (around 1-3 hours if I even have the time) but, this was when I had much more free time in my hands. What about you guys?
I would say the longest time for me, would be around 6 hours and this was playing Grand Theft Auto Five Online (Jobs) to earn some extra money and rank up my XP. As a child, I found myself with more time on my hands and fewer responsibilities to what I have now.
Wow, playing 8 hours of League sounds like stress.

I remember playing Final Fantasy VIII until the sun set :p that was 10 years ago tho.
Probably around 9 hours, when I first got Civilization: Beyond Earth.

A truly magical experience the first time I played it. Sadly, the second game wasn't nearly as interesting as the first, and the third game wasn't nearly as interesting as the second :( .
I remember I took a vacation from my job. I was 21 years old. I played the first Guild Wars game for 2 days straight when I started, barely slept and slept for 4 hours before playing another 2 and half days without sleep. I felt like crap. When I Skyrim came out. I used to come home from work and play that game until morning.
Longest for me was 10 hours and 30mins, That;s flight sim. Yep. did over 9 hours flight, and the sim was running for over 10 hours. So flying so high to my location and landed. the first hour was on the ground before I was to take off and then once on the ground another 20mins before I closed it.
I remember back in 2012 I spent at least 8 or 9 hours playing Sonic 4 Episode 2. I literally played all day to get the last chaos emerald and it was a pain in the butt to get because it was designed with a second player in mind. I unfortunately didn't have Gold to back up my save to the cloud and once I traded in my 360 I lost that save file for good. :S I haven't brought myself to go back and get all the chaos emeralds since.