Parental Relationship


Wild Thing
Diamond Member
Reaction score
Catch That Pokémon
Bill Gates... No, Kylie Rich
What type of relationship did you have with your parents?
  • I don't have a relationship with my biological father. He disowned me 17 years ago after I moved back in with my mother.
  • I have a strange relationship with my step father. We fought most of my childhood. We get along now. But it's still not the best.
  • My mom has a temper. So I'm always walking on egg shells when I'm around her. I can't tell her anything really. Because she stressed about everything. It's a strained relationship but I believe we're on good terms.
  • I have a great relationship with my grandmother. She understands me most of the time. She always wants to help me and be there for me.
  • I have a good relationship with my grandfather. He's nice.
I have always enjoyed a solid relationship with my parents and still to this day. I have always believed in keeping a great relationship with my parents. There have plenty of times where I needed their help even as an adult and they were there every time.
  1. I have not seen them in years, a very long time. My dad over 15 years
  2. They can't even look after me and they gave me away at the age of 4 years.
  3. They live on the other side of the world.
  4. The relationship can be very weird and when you think you going well, it turns bad and then we just poop out.
  5. Number points can be long as 500 points of bad or maybe good.