Your biggest problem right now

I don't want to live my whole life as an employee, i want to run my own business, but i don't know what :(
I'm worried that my recent change of job might not have been the right move..

They seem pretty unorganised with stuff, and I have that feeling of 'work dread' creeping in again.

That happened to me when I worked at Wal-Mart. I worked as a janitor for 2 years. Management wanted to transfer me over to a "better" department. So they asked me if I wanted to go over to Produce and said I'd get good hours and a pay raise. So I agreed to do it and signed the transfer papers. Big mistake, I should have turned them down. I had no clue what I was walking into. I transferred and in several months. My hours were cut & I was barely getting paid.

The manager over there was a complete nightmare to work with. He had me written up several times over things I wasn't guilty of and didn't do. He'd scream and yell at me in front of the customers. One day I came in and I had no hours. He'd taken me off of the schedule and had me scheduled for just 10 hours for the following week after to work the grave yard shift. So I quit. I didn't even put in my 2 week notice. They'd wasted enough of my time.
I have a a a terrible boss and want to transfer to a different State Park but there is currently a firing freeze.

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