Your earliest memory

I have no idea how old I was but I remember being in the kitchen with my mom and she was cutting carrots. I asked her if I could have one and she said sure and I remember going back for more. I don't know if that memory was triggered by my avatar but that's the earliest one I can recall!
I was in my crib standing up and holding the rail looking out my open bedroom door. I could see the bathroom door closed and heard someone in the shower. I started crying because I wanted them to come get me out of the crib. I must have been pretty little because I don't remember thinking in words if that makes sense. I was just kind of acting on impulse like an animal does. I have no idea why I remember such a random uneventful event.
I can remember being about a year and a half and walking outside to get my doll but it was really hot that day. My feet were burning and I didn't know how to tell my mom I was uncomfortable from the heat and I started crying. She thought I just needed a nap, but no, I wanted my doll and my feet hurt from the burning pavement.