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  1. Aragon Burner

    World Cup 2022

    I don't like it either. The only thing I'm happy about is that Scotland qualified for the first time in years lol
  2. Aragon Burner

    Have you been featured in the newspaper?

    There was one time when I was a bus driver that I stopped an attack on 2 women. I got front page exposure for couple days in local newspaper.
  3. Aragon Burner

    How have you slept last Night?

    My sleep schedule is all over the place ight now, but I did sleep 6 hours in the afternoon.
  4. Aragon Burner

    What's your Weather right now?

    1am in the morning and it's 70 degrees. Still sitting around in my shorts with windows open lol
  5. Aragon Burner

    What's your Weather right now?

    Warm 81 degrees clear skies. Just the perfect day in California
  6. Aragon Burner

    What are you addicted to?

    Thats what I hear. I vape too But currently no plans to quit as i do enjoy it
  7. Aragon Burner

    Sticky What are you listening to?

    Queen - Radio gaga
  8. Aragon Burner

    Pineapple or no Pineapple?

    I like the way you think Kyng lmao!!
  9. Aragon Burner

    What are you addicted to?

    There's a game called Second Life. And yeah, I spend copious amounts of time on that lol
  10. Aragon Burner

    Night Light

    Yeah I tried it too and wasn't overly thrilled with it.
  11. Aragon Burner

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Doing well @Kylie :) Just forum hoping and seeing who's about
  12. Aragon Burner

    Sticky Chit Chat Lounge

    Whats up everyone :) Hope you all having an amazing day!
  13. Aragon Burner

    Merciless | Simple logo concept

    Loving the designs bro. You certainly have talent thats for sure. Awesome job man.
  14. Aragon Burner

    Favourite Milk Flavours?

    Strawberry milk by far the fav. Throw some frsh fruit in thee too yummy
  15. Aragon Burner

    Sticky The last thing you bought

    Yay I didn't buy any mods today, can I get a woot woot! Instead i kept my purchases today to a very tasty Starbucks coffee. Venti Mocha extra hot with whipped cream and mocha drizzle. I call it my Princess coffee lol
  16. Aragon Burner

    Food and Lifestyle!

    Woot! Way to go Naiwen :)
  17. Aragon Burner

    Sticky The last thing you bought

    Another mod dammit I got a problem lol Now it's the Forum Showcase mod.
  18. Aragon Burner

    Sticky The last thing you bought

    Just bought the Raffles modification for Xenforo lol. I'm a mod whore what can I say lmao.
  19. Aragon Burner

    Your favourite Juices?

    Strawberry and Pineapple mix. Just delicious.
  20. Aragon Burner

    Pineapple or no Pineapple?

    Can't do Mushrooms lol. Nasty critters