Have you been featured in the newspaper?


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Have you ever managed to get a picture or even a story of yourself featured in the newspaper? Even a local one would count. Was the story a positive one?
I think there was an article in our local newspaper about a school trip we went on but I can't remember if I've just imagined that or if that really happened.
No, but I did make the local tv news for a weather thing.
I've got the perfect thread for you, tell us more ;) - Been on TV?
In grade school my class was in the local newspaper a few times for Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff.

Also, about 6 years ago.

I was at the public swimming pool with my ex wife and kids when a woman working for the local newspaper asked if she could photograph me for an article on fathers day. I turned it down.
No, my name was mentioned in a chess article (it was the absolute national championship cycle tournament series) Anyway i'm too shy to be interviewed for a paper though
I hardly read newspapers. I don't know what's going to get me featuring in a newspaper. It would be something nice but I don't see any way of it happening.
I have not experienced this, but my grandmother did. She was featured in a national newspaper for being a senior citizen and reaching the centennial age. A few months ago, she died at the age of 103. As for me, I was featured on a local TV station. It is a talk show that includes my co-volunteers from different nations.