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  1. ARx182

    Do you have social media accounts for your websites?

    Not for my current website, as social media for a general discussion forum is hardly useful but I do intend on creating social media accounts for future projects.
  2. ARx182


    The only time I have swam is when I went on holiday to Morocco. There was a nice pool at our hotel - I actually learnt how to swim then, but haven’t had the chance to swim since then.
  3. ARx182

    Xenforo Must Have Add-Ons

    I’m actually opening a gaming website that will be powered by XenForo with a partner very soon. The main add-ons we are buying are XenPorta PRO and the Resource Manager. The rest are just small add-ons.
  4. ARx182


    Companies collecting my data doesn’t bother me. All of our data was being collected long before we knew it, what difference does it make now?
  5. ARx182


    I use Chrome. Always have, always will. It’s the best. Why wouldn’t you?
  6. ARx182

    What Socials are you on?

    I still have my Facebook account but I don’t use it anymore. I only use Twitter and Instagram at the moment. Instagram to communicate with friends and Twitter to browse football news.
  7. ARx182

    Amazon Prime

    If you’re impatient, then yes, but you can get free delivery within 3 days for orders over £20. I’d rather save my money.
  8. ARx182

    Amazon Prime

    I have bought an Amazon Prime subscription a few times. Unless you have the student discount or you order things regularly, it’s not worth it in my opinion.
  9. ARx182

    Screen protector or case?

    I have a back case and a glass screen protector. The back case protects the back and the screen protector protects the front.
  10. ARx182

    Interrogate Me.

    Yep, it’s so good. What is your favourite movie?
  11. ARx182

    What did you accomplish today?

    I just set up another website. That's enough productivity for the day haha.
  12. ARx182

    Ark Survival Evolved FREE

    I'm going to get my free copy now. Thanks for letting us know, @Masterminor. :)
  13. ARx182

    How is the weather?

    The sunshine is back after a week of rain. You know what that means. Rain the week after this week to balance the weather again.
  14. ARx182

    What did you accomplish today?

    I finished Friday Night Dinner on Netflix today. Not as serious as yours though @Hungry Ego haha.
  15. ARx182

    What anti-virus do you use?

    Does Windows Firewall blocker or whatever it is called count? That’s the only protection I have on my PC.
  16. ARx182

    Next major purchase...

    I honestly have no idea at the moment. I currently have an iPhone 7+ and I want to stay with Apple so probably an iPhone 8 or SE.
  17. ARx182 has been around for a week now...

    I think the forum looks great, kudos to @Ash. Clearly a lot of work has been put into this website and hopefully we will be around for a very long time!
  18. ARx182

    Next major purchase...

    A phone probably. Just waiting for COVID-19 to end and normality to be restored so I can buy a new contract with a phone to go along with it. :)
  19. ARx182

    Age Difference

    I hope everyone means any age difference above 18 is just a number, otherwise this thread doesn’t sound right lol. I think a 5 year age difference or even 10 is fine, but 20 can cause differences in the relationship, in my opinion.
  20. ARx182

    How is the weather?

    Raining again. Sun was out last week so it’s been raining all of this week to balance it out. Typical England.