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A misconception


Crystal Clear
Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2021
Reaction score
Mardi Gras 2024
To counter the current narrative that trans people are predators or transitioning for a sexual motive. I know most people don't "get" what it is to be trans, but the vast majority of trans people are perfectly normal people suffering from the never-ending torture that is dysphoria, having to wake up to see a shell that doesn't match the person within, and getting chastised for trying to fix that. As much as people love to push the idea that trans people, trans women especially, are only interested in getting into restrooms and locker rooms of the gender they're transitioning to so they can assault cis members of their gender, the reality is trans people are far more likely to be abused in those sort of situations than their cis counterparts. Are there bad people who claim or perhaps even are trans? Of course there are, there are bad apples in every walk of life, but most trans people are perfectly normal, everyday people trying to stop the pain that is existing with dysphoria.