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Official DH's Anime/Manga appreciation Club. All of Japanese culture is welcome as well!

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I've finally got around to watching AKIRA and I was just blown away at the art style, the music, the story. The detail alone in the animation is by far the most spectacular hand drawn animation I've ever seen.

The story leaves you wanting to know more and more about what is going to happen next, what it all means, and pulls you into the Kaneda, Tetsuo, and what Akira is all about.

I'm sad I haven't watched this sooner and just want to watch it again. I know there's so much I've probably missed on the first watch through and just wanted to share my excitement!
I've only seen this the once years ago. On LegendOfZelda.com they used to do monthly anime watch-alongs on Skype (a group called the A-team :p) and one of the times we watched Akira. It was pretty good, it deffo gets pretty bizarre later on, but I can't say I remember a whole lot about it. Would be worth a rewatch for sure though
I personally don’t like the movie, though it’s more of a “it’s not my thing” as opposed to thinking the movie is bad.
Never watched it. But this thread has come to me for a purpose. I shall give it a try when i finish my last month backlog.