Are frameworks considered "cheating"?


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A lot of people tend to use frameworks like Bootstrap for their frontend as it allows them to build a site with the basics already taken care of. But would you consider using such a framework as "cheating" if you're a web developer?
It's not cheating, it's using something that is tried and tested as a foundation instead of trying to reinvent the wheel with every project.
As well if the framework is well maintained then it means you are far more likely to be keeping up with best practices right from the start.
I'd have to say that the internet and the expectation of its users have grown too much to focus on building from the ground up. Just the work to get all the basic social and loading tools in place would be more coding than building an entire website a few years ago. Sure, it is still great to build from nothing and does allow more control, but beyond large corporate teams, I personally find a framework makes a lot of sense anymore so the coder can focus on making the project special and not spend all their time making it up to standards.
Even a lot of big corporates will use frameworks like Laravel or Symphony in projects instead of doing everything form scratch.
Well, the basics of computer programming are covered when you use a language. Is that cheating? The basics of a computer language are 0s and 1s put together somehow by somebody.
Nope. Not cheating at all. I used to have this mentality too. I thought, "if I don't make it myself, am I a real pRoGrAmEr?" The truth is, don't re-invent the wheel. If a framework fits your needs and it's already been made, use it.
Also if you feel like using a framework is cheating then you can always pick an open source framework and contribute code back to it.
I can see why one might think this but nah, it's not really cheating, and even Xenforo comes bundled with some third party libraries like Chartist & Lightslider.

The real problem with these libraries is when developers choose to included super bloated variants that are way more than necessary for what they want to accomplish.