Confederate Monuments


Making a name for themselves
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Well, I think a lot of stuff is silly like banning The Dukes of Hazzard due to the rebel flag. Nonethless, though, I don't see why public money should support Confederate monuments. Now, if people want that stuff paid by private sources, then that's freedom of speech.

Anyway, a lot of this stuff boils down to if you believe the Civil War was really about slavery alone or was it a repeat of the American Revolution. I just don't buy the 2nd argument.
Anyway, a lot of this stuff boils down to if you believe the Civil War was really about slavery alone

One of the basic answers I have gotten over the years was that it was over State Rights, slavery being one of it's reasons.

In its constitution, Confederate leaders provided for the Federal Protection of Slaveholding:

“In all such territory the institution of negro slavery, as it now exists in the Confederate States, shall be recognized and protected by Congress and by the Territorial government; and the inhabitants of the several Confederate States and Territories shall have the right to take to such Territory any slaves lawfully held by them in any of the States or Territories of the Confederate States.”

The Union was ambivalent over slavery and mainly fought to preserve that part of the government during the war.
Most northerners did not doubt that black people were inferior to whites, but they did doubt the benevolence of slavery.

The biggest reason the North decided to abolish slavery after the war was because it would give power back to the South and they couldn't allow it. Look to the The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free."
or was it a repeat of the American Revolution. I just don't buy the 2nd argument.

I've never heard of that argument before but due to how absurd that it sounds. I am inclined to agree with you.
Flying the flag at a state capitol is silly, but I don’t see anything wrong with some stuff like statues and the like. I’m gonna use the generic “it’s our history” argument, but I don’t think we should get rid of stuff just because we don’t like it.

It’s a thing that happened, we shouldn’t hide from it.
We had this issue in the UK during the start of the BLM movement, lots of statues were vandalised or taken down by protestors. I thought it was disgraceful and still do, I don't mind there being a discussion regarding them but people thinking their opinion is the only one that matters drives me nuts.
We had this issue in the UK during the start of the BLM movement, lots of statues were vandalised or taken down by protestors. I thought it was disgraceful and still do, I don't mind there being a discussion regarding them but people thinking their opinion is the only one that matters drives me nuts.

Destroying all statues isn't cool. The problem is that the Confederate ones are specifically about glamorizing New World Slavery and using huge amount of tax dollars to fund it. It's just wrong. It's just looking the other way like with Holocaust Deniers. Well, I don't think many people really want to face how bad slavery was and how the south was about "that only".

Here is a link showing how 40 million was spent to maintain these statutes over a decade:

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Statues in normal public areas are a way of celebrating the person depicted by the statue. Statues placed within museums or other arenas where the statue is put inside a historical context is a good way to teach history. Don't destroy them, move them.

I agree. I think they should have sent them off to a museum. I can see why people had a problem with it. But rather than knock them over, we should learn not to repeat that history. Covering it up and destroying it is not the answer.
Statues in normal public areas are a way of celebrating the person depicted by the statue. Statues placed within museums or other arenas where the statue is put inside a historical context is a good way to teach history. Don't destroy them, move them.

I totally agree with this! Why destroy things because of ignorance when there is still educational historical significance.
Statues in normal public areas are a way of celebrating the person depicted by the statue. Statues placed within museums or other arenas where the statue is put inside a historical context is a good way to teach history. Don't destroy them, move them.
Very well said, Zap, and I totally agree.
This also happened after the Fall of the Soviet Union, specially in Ukraine where all soviet themed statues were removed by the year 2000 or something. Russians still keep them in even in the Moscow University.
This also happened after the Fall of the Soviet Union, specially in Ukraine where all soviet themed statues were removed by the year 2000 or something. Russians still keep them in even in the Moscow University.
Interesting and I didn't know this. The University must be huge to display all the statues.
Interesting and I didn't know this. The University must be huge to display all the statues.
They're spread all over Moscow, not only in that place.


This is standing still in the Moscow Public University.
What i mean is that no nation should "destroy" part of their story or.. they will be condemned to make the same mistakes again.

Keeping soviet memorabilia won't make Russia communist again.
Would people feel differently if statues of Hitler remained? I don't think people should destroy statues I agree with Zap they should be moved and clearly noted with its history.
A lot of people are wanting confederate monuments removed because the "history" hurts their feelings. However, what they don't realize, if they remove history, it's going to repeat itself. If no one has anything to go off of in the past to know how to fix the present, then who knows what will happen?
I think instead of destroying them they should have been preserved in a museum. If we don't learn from our history, we're doomed to repeat it. Life changes constantly, and things need to be archived so we don't forget.
Even i they remove confederate monuments, the history behind them is forever etched in history books. We don't need the monuments "in our face" as a reminder of the ugly history behind them.