Destruction centres


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No idea what they are called but there are some places where you can rent a room that just destroy anything you want in there as a way to vent your anger. It’s also great for anyone that just likes to destroy things without getting into trouble.

Has anyone tried something like this?
I've heard of them but I've never tried it myself. I also heard about how there are places you can go and smash up a car. I feel like I wouldn't get my money's worth for doing that - I try not to generate or keep that much rage. lol
I've heard of them but I've never tried it myself. I also heard about how there are places you can go and smash up a car. I feel like I wouldn't get my money's worth for doing that - I try not to generate or keep that much rage. lol
Yeah, I feel like a car might be a little hard to destroy after messing with the windows. Things that are easy to break would be the most fun
Interesting. I have heard of Panic Room but not a Rage Room. I wonder how beneficial that would be? Would it make things worse? Would they get used to HAVING to destroy things in order to feel better? Would destroying things INCREASE their anger?
Usually when people want to let out anger, they hit a punching bag (better than hitting a human!).
I don't get that filled with rage & when I do get mad, I honestly don't want to destroy things. Maybe punching a pillow. I'd be worried when you are destroying the room that you would hurt yourself physically.
But, to each their own! If people feel better afterwards, then that's the main thing.