Discord School Hubs


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Not sure if everyone has seen it yet but I was notified recently that Discord has "school hubs". The idea is that you can use your school/university email address to join a hub for your school/uni and join servers with other people from them.

It's pretty cool and I love that you are automatically notified if your school/uni gets its very own hub. Does anyone else use it?
I did hear about it, but I never used it, not sure if my university would use that. We use Microsoft Teams a lot.

It's nice for Discord to do this, but I feel like schools would make better use of Microsoft 365 etc. with multiple options like emails, drive space etc.
I heard about it but I have not read into the details. Since I'm no school/student. I mean it's free anyway DIscord and they get the same software as anyone else.

I do not see the point of this, schools are not meant to use DIscord anyway. COME ON
The thing is, if it was connected to actual schools, no one would be using it. This way, you can choose to join certain groups and from what I've seen so far, it's been pretty good. The responsible people seem to be the ones creating the groups and it's gone down well (so far anyway)
I do think kids will be slightly scared to bully others on them. The discord servers connected to the server are all open to kids from that school so it's not like you can hide the content you post
These won't last long, one incident related to them and schools will be clawing at discord to get them shut down.
The thing is, you can easily identify who was taking part in the bullying/harassment. The Discord account is basically connected to their school email account