Do you believe that firms should lower the size of their products rather than raise prices?

I don't mind paying more but mostly these companies start adulterating the product just to make profits
Both options are not desirable. If I really have to choose, I prefer the business to reduce the size of their products. I can use less.
No they need to increase the quality and increase the price. I'm a sucker for good quality product no matter the price.
I think that it is best for a firm to engage with it's customers to find out which approach to take that would suit them. For me, I prefer a rational price increase than a reduction in quantity or quality.
I think it would sound good when they would reduce the quantity or rather the size of the products and maintain the existing prices.
I am not in support of reducing quantity. That's the measure that some business firms have taken in my country and it is almost like we are buying empty sachets of products. Marginally increase prices and maintain quantity/ quality.
If one or the other has to happen, I'd rather see the price go up. I hate this game of reducing package sizes. Instead you end up having to buy more than one package because there isn't enough product in the one package now.