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Official DH's Anime/Manga appreciation Club. All of Japanese culture is welcome as well!

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Do you buy anime on disc?

Yes, personally it's due to just enjoying the shows enough to warrant buying the physical copy.
I just can't be bothered to buy anything on disc anymore really. It's just annoying and I'm too lazy to get up and change discs when I want to watch something else.
I used to, the last time when i bought one was Madoka Magica which happens to be my favorite anime of all time.

Accumulating stuff that i can get it "digitally" doesn't sound too good for me.. also anime discs are very expensive and it's quite the hard task if you're willing to buy every title that i have watched (i'd say over 2000 discs) and they also rot in time..
I used to, the last time when i bought one was Madoka Magica which happens to be my favorite anime of all time.

Accumulating stuff that i can get it "digitally" doesn't sound too good for me.. also anime discs are very expensive and it's quite the hard task if you're willing to buy every title that i have watched (i'd say over 2000 discs) and they also rot in time..

I still buy it on disc every now and then. I don't care what format I buy it on. I have anime shows both on blu ray and dvd. It reminds me of the old days back in the 2000's when the anime boom happened. I used to go every weekend to Best Buy, who was at the time one of the biggest distributors of anime and I could always find something interesting.
No worries, i list them online but anyways, i know not everyone does that kind of nerdy thing :p
I have to either take a picture and have the lighting to make sure it’s all legible, or type up a list. I also don’t have my collection memorized, so it’s more effort for something not a lot of people have interest in seeing.