Do you misplace things often?


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I seem to have misplaced my airpods. I'm not too panicked because I'm fairly confident it's somewhere in this house I just haven't come across it yet. I really need to start putting things where they belong so I can quit losing them. Do you find yourself misplacing things often? When was the last time you've lost something?
Occasionally I have misplaced things. Usually happens when I get interrupted before I can return the item to its proper storage location.
When I was in my mid 20's, for a while I was misplacing my keys or my wallet and I'd panic and tear through the house looking for them.
I don't misplace things all too often. I like everything in its place to prevent this scenario from happening! I know of a person who constantly rearranges their house & shed. Then they forget where they put it. Again! I find if you put things in the same place, it becomes muscle memory.
Not often but there are a few times that I have misplaced things in my house. At several points during the past year, I have managed to misplace and find my wired earphones, my car keys, the house keys and my debit card.
I am happy to report that I've found my airpods! (It was behind my daughter's bed. lol

I think I have to learn from some of you so I will quit misplacing my things!
I lost my Covid-19 vaccination card in my house. now i keep the new one in my wallet
@apathy I always seem to feel that way about scissors. I find myself always needing scissors no matter how many I purchase and place around the house. lol