Do you still watch movies on disc?


Finding their groove
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Some years ago, the only means with which you can watch anything on TV is by using disc. It might be with a DVD or Blu-Ray disc. It's been a very memorable experience for us back then. Now, almost everything is streamed online on Netflix, Amazon Prime and the rest.

Do you still watch on disc now?
I haven't watched a movie on Disc in a few years. I used to get movie screeners that were all DVD or Bluray but now they just send me links to view their movies.
I still have DVDs and such laying around in storage that I collected over the years when they were more popular and always used but now, I usually watch movies through means of streaming services now or if they air on the television. I actually do not even have the ability to play DVDs anymore like I used to either as they were never used so I got rid of them.
I still buy a lot of my stuff on dvd and blu ray. I feel like it's more convenient over streaming. Sometimes the internet at my house can get pretty slow. Internet service isn't very fast where I live and I'm not quite sure why.