Do you visit any other forums? If so, which ones?

The only other site I go to daily is Reddit but is Reddit considered a forum or social media? :unsure:
For forums, I have several I rotate on a regular basis. Those I’m Staff on, I visit twice a day including my own. I have some alternative health sites & forums I visit to keep up to date with health, beauty, prepping skills. I do make a point to unplug throughout the day. Being online can be stressful if done too often without breaks.
I use many forums on a fairly regular basis. I like to join a lot of them and meet a wide variety of people. ^^ The only one that I definitely visit daily is my own, though.
A few too many to list here, unfortunately. But Forum Promotion and obviously Discussion Hub are the main ones. I'm only a staff member over here since I don't want to take my time away from DH.