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Official DH's Anime/Manga appreciation Club. All of Japanese culture is welcome as well!

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Certified Mediaphile
The Sextronauts
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In a distant future lies a city known as "EDEN", barren of humans for thousands of years. Robots have been the only form of existence since. A human baby girl, Sara, awakes from stasis, questioning all they were taught to believe. No longer an ancient myth, two robots E92 and A37 become her surrogate parents, raising her in a safe haven outside EDEN. Who is Sara, and if humans have not existed for a long time, where and why did she appear? Join the 3 unlikely bunch on their journey to discover the truth.
Well. @Phenom. If you like it. I hope it makes you happy but I'm already going to pass. This looks horrible to me. I don't like any Japanese anime show that's all CGI because often the animation is bad and in this case, yes.

I am not alone in this as most CGI anime shows do very poorly. Most anime fans don't like it and avoid it like the plague. I'm one of those types. Not only do I like a good plotline, I also need good animation to go with the story and CGI isn't an option. If Eden was a regular anime then you'd be hearing a different opinion. I strictly like my anime hand drawn and if there's CGI, it needs to be blended in. I'm sorry. I'm old school.

Ghost in the Shell SAC _ 2045 is a great example because it was a sequel to a major hit anime franchise. Fans bitched about how bad the CGI was and how bad the characters moved around in the show. It made very bad reviews because the animation looked stupid and cheap. The biggest problem was that it was in CGI which stuck out like sore thumb. The fans of the show franchise wanted a regular anime version of the show which this is what we all got instead.

Looks like a Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann plus Xam'd to me but as mentioned above, the animation looks pretty bad but that's not enough to prevent me from watching it but from what i saw sometime is really slow paced, or is it just me?