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Memory Lane

This is memory lane, a place to discuss things you loved from childhood!

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Favorite childhood soda?


Resident Old Fart
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I used to personally love a local brand, particularly grape sodas. How about you guys?
I think it was just coke or Pepsi, to be honest. I also liked drinking fanta from time to time
Was Orange soda but I don't remember what brand it was.
Mmmm both of those are awesome!
Yoohoo was also a favorite drink. Anyone else like it?
I was never a big soda drinker as a child, so for me when I did drink it I would just go for a coke/pepsi, simple. I did try Surge when it was first out...that was a mistake for a child to have, lol. Had a sugar rush for hours and then crashed for almost a full day, lol.
Surge was amazing but I loved Vault more. Surge came back a few years ago, but now you can only get it at some select Burger King restaurants unfortunately.
I'm shocked it came back at all, lol, it was just a massive sugar rush in a bottle :D
I haven’t had a soda in years but when I was a lad, Cream Soda was always my favorite but then, like most soda companies, it got laced with so much sugar later on that one couldn’t taste the vanilla bean in it.

And of course, everyone I knew loved the wax paper wrapped greasy hamburgers and an icy frosted mug of root beer with a generous dollop of vanilla ice cream in it at the A&W right after leaving the outdoor movie theater!
As a kid, two of my favourite sodas were cherryade and irn bru.

Unfortunately, I went off irn bru quite a few years ago now when I was drinking vodka mixed with irn bru and ended up with a bad hangover the following day and was also unwell, never touched irn bru again since, even the smell makes me feel awful.