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Filler Episodes?


Touching The Sky
Diamond Member
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What are your feelings regarding filler episodes?

Do you find most of them bland, random, and boring?
What are your feelings regarding filler episodes?

Do you find most of them bland, random, and boring?
Depends on the show. For example in One Piece, most of them are fun to watch, but in other shounen shows like Bleach.. it sucks big time.
Depends on the show. For example in One Piece, most of them are fun to watch, but in other shounen shows like Bleach.. it sucks big time.
most of the ones in Bleach and Dragon Ball Z are boring and drawn out. I have a hard time sitting through episodes like that.
most of the ones in Bleach and Dragon Ball Z are boring and drawn out. I have a hard time sitting through episodes like that.
Yeah, the Bleach ones made me DROP entirely the animated series. Dragon Ball.. i'm starting to watch the original series (1984) and i don't really know what's canon or not. We'll see.
I've always kind of skimmed through filler episodes but it really depends on the anime. Like @Laifot mentioned, most of the OP ones are decent and provide some sort of context but if it's a recap episode it really infuriates me.
I've always kind of skimmed through filler episodes but it really depends on the anime. Like @Laifot mentioned, most of the OP ones are decent and provide some sort of context but if it's a recap episode it really infuriates me.
Recap episodes are good to refresh your mind from things that you might have forgotten. Anyway, in OP there aren't too many considering the length of the show.