Site Promotion GeezeZone- The repository of the retro

I love your site! :D Brings back many memories of being a kid growing up in the 90's and 00's. Plus the theme is very asthetic, perfect for the time period it's based on! xD
Yeah, your site looks unique. I like it very much.
That is the exact word I love to hear! The word I hard alot. The word used to describe the old one kicked me into high gear!
I love your site! :D Brings back many memories of being a kid growing up in the 90's and 00's. Plus the theme is very asthetic, perfect for the time period it's based on! xD
I'm happy that my website can bring back some fond memories for you! :D
Nah this one is legit the one. It looks great and you've put time and effort into it, its paying off by the looks of it. Gratz!
Thank you so much! I will always still like the old theme as well though. Memories!
Aw, thats nice of you to say but it was goofy I remember you calling it once and I totally agree now ;)
Heh still, crazy to thonk how much this site has evolved over the months.
We are now 200 posts away from 10k...
We are now 200 posts away from 10k...
Awesome to hear Abizaga! I'm pop on over sometime to catch up with everyone and hopefully help reach that 10K milestone sooner :D
Awesome to hear Abizaga! I'm pop on over sometime to catch up with everyone and hopefully help reach that 10K milestone sooner :D
I'd love to see you there! It's quieted down a bit there, but we are still kicking.
New update: We moved the light/dark mode switch to our navbar for user convenience!Screenshot_20210128-080041_Brave.jpg
We hit 10k posts and 100 articles today.
I really do love the idea behind the forum. But I am a very honest guy and everything I saw is said with the upmost respect and it’s just my personal opinion.

The design: I feel that you went for the retro look, although that shines through for me it just seems a little dated and bland.

The content: Your content is great! Really I love it!

I think your forum has a lot of potential and I love how you are updating the community on the fixes your making and the features you’re adding. My suggestion regarding the updates would be to make a note of the fixes you’ve made and the features you’ve added and do a monthly thread with everything that you’ve done, it’s something I used to do and it worked better for engagement and me just spamming the section with everything I’m doing, and doing a monthly thread ensures that everyone sees it and it won’t be missed because something else has been posted if you get what I’m saying.
I really do love the idea behind the forum. But I am a very honest guy and everything I saw is said with the upmost respect and it’s just my personal opinion.

The design: I feel that you went for the retro look, although that shines through for me it just seems a little dated and bland.

The content: Your content is great! Really I love it!

I think your forum has a lot of potential and I love how you are updating the community on the fixes your making and the features you’re adding. My suggestion regarding the updates would be to make a note of the fixes you’ve made and the features you’ve added and do a monthly thread with everything that you’ve done, it’s something I used to do and it worked better for engagement and me just spamming the section with everything I’m doing, and doing a monthly thread ensures that everyone sees it and it won’t be missed because something else has been posted if you get what I’m saying.
Actually that's not a bad idea. A monthly list of updates would also look great from the community's side.
Actually that's not a bad idea. A monthly list of updates would also look great from the community's side.
As I said buddy I don’t mean to disrespect you in anyway just thought I’d give my opinion along with a couple of suggestions.

At some point I’d love to work on a fresh design for your forum just as a fun little project if that’s okay with you?
A new design? I mean sure! It couldn't hurt. :) Thanks for your thoughts!