Has Covid affected Halloween for you?


She walks with grace
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Have you changed your Halloween plans due to Covid this year? Some towns are canceling trick-or-treating but my town is still doing it although it's discouraged. I plan on handing out candy (will wear my mask) but we only get about 14-20 kids each year anyway.
Yeah, the mood of my friends have changed also, so there will be no party either :(

I might find something to do online though, so i just have to get used to it.
Not sure yet, I'm supposed to check into seeing if there's going to be any trick-or-treating in my suburb so I can buy some candy and put up decorations for the kids. We've had quite a few near misses with hurricanes this year so I feel a lot of people have avoided investing too much into decorations out of fear of losing them to possible strong winds.
We don't know anything yet but I presume we won't be doing anything for Halloween this year. My younger sister won't be able to go trick or treating this year which is a shame because I usually take some sweets/chocolate off her :(
We don't know anything yet but I presume we won't be doing anything for Halloween this year. My younger sister won't be able to go trick or treating this year which is a shame because I usually take some sweets/chocolate off her :(

What about doing it in your own environment? it's not really good just to let it die.

Time to buy your candies Ash :p
We will have to just hope that next year is normal. Will definitely be buying a lot of sweets and chocolate for myself though especially after Halloween. Usually they discount the Halloween stuff massively the day after Halloween.
Halloween this year is going to be far different. Instead of knocking on people's doors, it is Skype calls instead. In a way some aren't fussed and others will be upset but hay! Birthdays for major people are downsized this year.

Maybe next year will be better and greater right?
How are you going to send sweets over skype lol?

England hasn't had any rule changes regarding Halloween but I presume we will get some more information about trick or treating nearer to the date.