How insecure are you?

Extremely. About many, many things. My body, my face, my voice, my health (physical and mental), opening myself up and being vulnerable to anyone. I'm extremely insecure as a person.
Although generally treated as bedfellows, security and confidence can be quite different from each other.
In today’s world, one can’t be blamed for feeling a bit insecure but to still have enough confidence in one’s self to make the right choices is in itself, security.

That said, I’m a survivor and a Norman Vincent Peale positive possibilities thinker so whilst I may be aware of some insecurity that may raise it’s ugly head, I know for a fact that I can overcome it.
At this particular time, I’m doing just fine.
If you're in a good relationship, you don't need to feel insecure about anything.
I honestly don't think feeling secure or insecure comes from being in a relationship or not, it comes from something very personal inside. If you have that type of mindset it doesn't matter what type of relationship you are in, you will find something to feel insecure about. If you need a stable relationship to feel secure about yourself, then I would suggest that you don't really feel secure at all. That would be my focus. Working on myself to feel confident enough to know my worth.
Originally, I was an introvert. During my younger years, I was insecure because I could not do what others could during my school days. Eventually, I turned to a new leaf and became an ambivert. This is how I need to survive in the real world.