Ideal smartphone screen size


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What is the ideal smartphone screen size for you? Do you prefer to have a lot of screen to view content on? Or do you prefer a smaller screen so that you don't have to carry a large phone around?
I think that the 4.7" screen on my iPhone 7 is plenty big for me.
For me, the 13 Pro has the perfect size. It’s around 6.1 inches I think. Not too large but not small either
I have the iPhone 11 Pro and I think the size is perfect for me. I've tried holding the plus version but it just felt too massive. If I wanted to use a larger screen I would just use my iPad.
5.5 inches.

Anything much smaller makes web pages look too squashed; anything much bigger becomes inconvenient to carry around with me.

(Although, really, I would like a foldable phone, once those become affordable and reliable!)
For me, anything from the range of a 5.5 inch is a ledger screen size. I think that phones with big screens are easier for me to work with.