Longest phone update?


She walks with grace
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What's the longest update your phone has gone through?

I had an update that lasted about a half hour! It did it on its own which drove me nuts because my daughter was supposed to get in touch with me and she couldn't. At least the update didn't trash anything but my alarm and I found that out the hard way when it didn't go off as scheduled.
My phone is fairly new and the longest update I remember was only about 5 minutes.
My phone doesn't take long to update, when I had my phone, had no updates since it's new. About so many weeks later it had fixes and updates, but aren't that big at all and taken no time to update.

When my grandpa had his new phone, it's already a three-year-old model and updating took forever. Had t update three times over
Interesting your phone took so long to update @Lämmchen it's quite a shame. That can honestly be so annoying.

My phone updates in about 5-6 minutes and I rarely do an update. I will comment on the security of Apple which should be better as my phone was infected with some type of virus that gives you random fake alerts having to do with the Calendar. I will probably reset it soon.
Most of the time I don't think my updates have been noticeably long, but I do recall one or two that could have taken about half an hour as well. I don't often use the Wifi in my house though so maybe thats why.