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Memory Lane

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McDonalds Parties

Finally decided to actually look into it properly and the appearance doesn't look amazing. But it does sound very tasty. I guess the boneless thing makes sense considering it is McDonalds.
Ah, good to know actually. I'm guessing that's down to being able to ensure that the beef is halal. I wonder if they would ever bring it back for a select few restaurants though
Ah, good to know actually. I'm guessing that's down to being able to ensure that the beef is halal. I wonder if they would ever bring it back for a select few restaurants though

Probably isn't worth the hassle for them tbh. Pretty annoying though as I actually think I would really enjoy it.
Yeah, I really want to try it out. I guess I'll have to wait until I go on holiday to the US. Hopefully I can time it right for when they have it
The appearance of the Mcdonald's one looks way too good in that thumbnail. The one most people get in the box definitely isn't going to look like that lol.

I'll watch the video tomorrow when I'm not hungry ?
One of the few I can think of was after a game of soccer back when they had mini beany babies haha
To think at one time I had a Gobbles Beanie Baby. Have no damn clue where it went. :(