New here!!

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Thank you. I will get there but there will be confusion while accessing both Sites which have the same name:rolleyes:
Absolutely understandable, it is an easy thing to get mixed up with! You're in good hands here, in any case :)
I started opening the account here assuming that it is connected to microlinks. Is there a way that can be done? I like this Site as it is my kind of interaction.
This is a fun site, we're happy to have you with us :)

As for MicroLikes, that's going to have to be @Cam's decision as it's his site :)
Hi, it's great to have you here. Welcome to DH. :)

I started opening the account here assuming that it is connected to microlinks. Is there a way that can be done? I like this Site as it is my kind of interaction.

Unfortunately, we do not currently support MicroLikes. @Mike30 might be able to help us get that set up though. :)
I am new here but not in the world of forums. Have been writing since 2009 contributing to many paid to write forums and thoroughly enjoying the experience I understand this Site is connected to Microlikes too. Cannot see where to post my Microlikes key
It is nice to be here with you. I am grateful that you shared this site with me. I cannot conceal my desire to explore more here.