Recovery time?

Pretty quick, I'd say. I sliced into the side of my finger last week, and it's almost healed! It hurt a lot and bled though. lol
It often amazes me when my kids injure themselves at just how quickly they heal from it. I myself bump myself and get a bruise and it can seem like the bruise and the pain lasts forever the more I get older. I know when I fell and injured my ankle pretty badly I was down and out with it for quite a few weeks whereas my kids seem to bounce back after a week or so.
The older you get, the longer your bruises will remain, no matter how clean your diet is. I remember my husband's grandmother telling me how her bruises are there to stay and I've noticed that when I get bruised on my legs, they're there for months at a time.
I recover a lot slower than I used to, thats for sure!
disappointed disbelief GIF
It takes me forever to heal when I get hurt and I take vitamins every day. I don't know what the issue is. 🤷‍♂️