RPG Forums


Founder & Former Owner
Diamond Member
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Wake Up To Reality!
Not something I have been a part of in the past but I've always liked the idea of them.

Have you ever taken part in a RPG forum? And if so, was it a pleasant experience?
I used to host & help admin one years ago, despite never actually taking part in any of the RP'ing myself, since it was one of my friends who owned it and didn't know much about installing the software or anything.
Really miss it, the community was one of my favorites out of the forums I used to visit. None of that gang really talks to each other anymore it would seem.
Between.... 2008 and 2011 was like the golden era of RP forums on the internet, a ton of them were advertised on FP even. Man those days were so fun, I miss my old RP crew. even though there were a few messed up things going on.
I used to host & help admin one years ago, despite never actually taking part in any of the RP'ing myself, since it was one of my friends who owned it and didn't know much about installing the software or anything.
Really miss it, the community was one of my favorites out of the forums I used to visit. None of that gang really talks to each other anymore it would seem.
Between.... 2008 and 2011 was like the golden era of RP forums on the internet, a ton of them were advertised on FP even. Man those days were so fun, I miss my old RP crew. even though there were a few messed up things going on.
Do you guys remember what the RP setting/topic was?

I definitely remember a few being advertised on FP a very long time ago. It's a shame that it doesn't seem to be as popular anymore but I have joined my first by @JennyorAlice which is quite fun so far. Learning as I go since I've never done it properly before.
Do you guys remember what the RP setting/topic was?

I definitely remember a few being advertised on FP a very long time ago. It's a shame that it doesn't seem to be as popular anymore but I have joined my first by @JennyorAlice which is quite fun so far. Learning as I go since I've never done it properly before.

Anything and everything, though I mostly focused on the anime/manga series Naruto and Bleach. I actually opened one for Naruto rp call Legend of Ten Tails before it was actually revealed, I felt proud about that.

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