Should they ban zoos?


Touching The Sky
Diamond Member
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Should they ban zoo's? Why or why not?

Should they ban zoo's? Why or why not?

Yes and have santancies, recuses and reserves takes over.

There is nothing ethical about elephants getting shoved into as little as 2 cars garages (that's the legal min. zoos are allowed to contain them in) and even if they aren't let's get realistic here, no zoo on this planet allot them the square miles they truly needs (that why they are common kept at reserves instead unless medically needed otherwise).

As well as other animals not getting the square footage/miles they need. I feels like they more concerned about how many bags of cotton candies, popcorn, etc they sells rather than the animals within.
A lot of zoos do seem rather small, they should at least big enough to give each animal proper space.
It would be unprofitable through the roofs though so no zoos would. That why reserves, santancies and other facilities and organizations exists.

Mainly to protect the space they DO need or else help those who needs it medically until they can go back to their home area.
They should, especially the ones that put wild animals in small cages and don't treat them well. Like mentioned above, animals in reserves with a large amount of open space would be great
I agree with @Laifot that wild animals are just that WILD. They need to live in their natural habitat and not in zoos for human entertainment.
I didn't see the best reason to keep the zoos and that is because those animals who should be out in the wild, might not be able to survive. Some of the zoo animals were injured and wouldn't be able to properly hunt, so the zoos are actually saving some animals.

There are some amazing zoos that have a ton of space for the's harder to walk through because of the distance, but worth it.
I have no objections having zoos but the condition is there should be lots of space for the animals who live in the zoo. And they should be treated kindly.