Sitting or standing?

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For those who are in employment, does your job role mainly require you to sit or stand all day long? I favour sitting, however, all team members have to stand while serving customers. After a long day, my feet end up swollen and achy. To be honest, I don't see a problem with sitting as long as it's possible to complete work duties this way.
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Just started and I'm working from home so it's mainly sitting down. Even if I was in the office, it would mainly be sitting down as well although walking around the office for a little bit here and there. Not the worst thing but you have to remember to take regular breaks. Sitting down all day isn't great
I'm mostly sitting but i do stand up from time to time. I have this little bottle of water i refill it in the farthest water font around so i get to do some exercise :p
I spend more time sitting then steading, even on the PC you are sitting more hours on end. Even that I'm unemployed seems that it doesn't make any difference. They ask and say to stand from time to time, like 30mins each time for 10mins then back sitting down.

Me, if I was gaming 5 hours I site for 5 hours LOL
It's a bit of both sitting down and standing for me on the job. If it requires for me to get to from my seat, that's what's going to happen.
Just got a job with Walmart and it is standing... and walking around a lot. Definitely excited for the exercise.
I used to work at Shoprite and it's just like Walmart. It requires a lot of standing and walking around dealing with one customer or another and putting the items on the shelves in order. My legs usually hurt a lot when I get back.