Super power?

I'd love to be able to fly, Superman style.. ?‍♂️

It would save on so many costs and frustrations, such as fuel, traffic, travel time, and vehicle maintenance.
Invisibility or the ability to stop time. Both would be extremely overpowered and the things you could with the superpower is endless.

Would make a great hero or a villian as well!
Every time I come to this question, it's always the same: teleportation. Travel anywhere, whenever and wherever.

It also beats flying because it's instantaneous and you won't have to worry about getting shot down by a missile or chased down by fighter jets, haha.
Every time I come to this question, it's always the same: teleportation. Travel anywhere, whenever and wherever.

It also beats flying because it's instantaneous and you won't have to worry about getting shot down by a missile or chased down by fighter jets, haha.
True. At first, my thoughts were going to be that you couldn't do much as people would recognise you taking things but I realised you could just put on a mask and special clothes to avoid detection.

I would be worried about getting stuck somewhere though ? . Imagine losing your powers randomly.
I'd like to be invisible, just think of all the places you could sneak into without being caught. :p I'm sure if there was a way to become invisible and I tried to sneak into Area 51 the government would have something to detect me though. xD
A superpower is a word used to describe power, ability or trait that exceeds what a “normal” person is capable of doing. For example, super strength allows you to lift really heavy stuff, like a car or two, super speed allows you to run faster than a bullet, flight allows you to fly.

Then there are the more specific powers, like telekinesis, being able to move objects with your mind alone, heat vision allows you to shoot laser beams out of your eyes, a healing factor allows you to recover from any physical damage.

Magic could also classify as a superpower.
The list goes on, only limited by the imagination of the authors.

Superpowers are mainly a work of fiction. There are exceptional individuals, but no one can read minds, freeze anything they touch or create objects made out of pure willpower.

Superpowers are often associated with superheroes, like Superman, Spider-Man, Wolverine and Wonder Woman.

I would like to have the superpower of omnilingualism, where I could instantly learn, speak, and understand any language fluently. If I had this power, I could communicate with the locals effortlessly no matter where I travelled.