Weird Hobbies Of Yours


Making themselves at home
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So I was preparing to watch a few international shows and doing kill counts on them when I realized how werid this type of thing is for hobbies. Anyone else have some sort of werid hobby?
So I was preparing to watch a few international shows and doing kill counts on them when I realized how werid this type of thing is for hobbies. Anyone else have some sort of werid hobby?
Kill counts as in how many people die on that show? Not too weird, to be fair.

I'm not sure I have any weird hobbies actually.
Not sure how weird it is but I collect different fishing lures.
I collect refrigerator magnets. Not sure if that’s weird enough for this thread though. My fridge is 99% covered in magnets. Time to buy a 2nd refrigerator just to have a place to put my new magnets. Lol
I won't say its weird but I like to not do anything and just browse the web on my phone and also watch tv just to kill time