What do programmes do you use for Graphics?


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I generally used Photoshop for the majority of my banners and other graphics. It's really the only one that I can use.
I do know others use Adobe After Effects too (not really good with this) and possibly paint.net. Anyone else want to share their programmes?
For most of the typical work I make use of the canva say for social media graphics. And for other things like say flyers and logos, I make use of the photoshop and it works out on that context. It's pretty fun app to use both of them as well.
I use both Microsoft Paint and Gimp for my images. I mainly use paint to make the image first and then Gimp to do the finishing touches like making the image transparent so it shows up nice on my site. :)
I've always used GIMP as it was powerful enough for my needs and I could never really understand the workflow of PS. Plus, the price of Adobe products especially today are completely absurd. I thought they were bad 10-15 years ago.
For smaller tasks, MSPaint/Pinta can do the job just fine.
I don't create anything fancy so I just stick with a web application called Gravit Designer. It's simple but good enough to create some basic logos and website graphics.