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Memory Lane

This is memory lane, a place to discuss things you loved from childhood!

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When did you learn to ride a two-wheel bike?

Yeah, I also learned around 10 too, but I used to ride a bike with training wheels for about a year.
Yeah same here haha. Funny thing is I basically didn't ride bike much since.
Yeah same here haha. Funny thing is I basically didn't ride bike much since.
I used to cycle every evening, I had a routine, I come back from school at 2pm, have my lunch, take a shower and do my homework and by 4pm I am sitting down watching cartoons. Then at 5pm I would go out to play with my neighbors, and we would cycle around till 6pm. Those were fun times.
I used to cycle every evening, I had a routine, I come back from school at 2pm, have my lunch, take a shower and do my homework and by 4pm I am sitting down watching cartoons. Then at 5pm I would go out to play with my neighbors, and we would cycle around till 6pm. Those were fun times.
Nice. I did a little bit, but probably could have more lol.
At quite a young age but I can't remember the last time I even rode a bike. I would need a bit of practice again before I ride one again.
Between ages four and five my dad took the training wheels away and off I went!